Congratulations on your assignment to graduate school and/or fellowship in the DC Metro Area! 

Incoming DUINs: Please contact [email protected] for information regarding your check-in process and to arrange your check-in date/time. Upon receiving orders to join us here in Washington, DC, review the documents on the welcome aboard page.

The 2024 PFA cycle runs from 02Sep to 26Sep, and we plan to conduct our PRT from 23Sep-26Sep. We offer run/walk and rowing cardio options. It is the member's responsibility to coordinate alternative cardio if desired. If you conduct the PFA with another command, either before transferring or earlier in the cycle, be sure to retain copies of your BCA and PRT to send the GWU NROTC CFL. Email [email protected] with any questions concerning the PFA cycle.

Here are the basic DUINS expectations attached to GWU NROTC (please save downloaded forms and open them in Adobe). You will enjoy your time in a DUINS status attached to NROTCU GWU. Please submit the documents attached in the Gain Package to [email protected] NLT 5 working days after check-in.

***Please note: You are REQUIRED to fill out your travel voucher via NP2. ***